domenica 28 febbraio 2016


Chapter 5 of Bone starts with grandmother's house being attacked by the rat monsters. Grandma tells Thorn and Fone to run while she fights off the monsters. Fone worries about leaving her alone, but she tells him she fought the monsters in the big war. As the rat monsters break in, Thorn and Fone run into the woods. There they are chased by even more rat monsters. They are chased for a long time until they are finally circled by the monsters. They tell Fone and Thorn that they want Fone. Thorn says no. Then, Fone smells the dragon. He tells the rat monsters that they should leave, because the dragon is coming to save him. Just a few minutes later, the dragon appears. The dragon talks with the rat monsters, and tells them that they need to go. It takes a little while, but the dragon scares off the monsters. Thorn tells the dragon that they need to go back to grandmother's house to make sure she's safe. When they arrive, they see that the house is on fire.

 Il capitolo 5 di Bone inizia con la casa della nonna che viene attaccata dai mostri ratto. La nonna dice a Thorn e a Fone di correre, mentre lei scaccia i mostri. Fone è preoccupato di lasciarla da sola, ma la nonna dice che lei ha combattuto i mostri durante la grande guerra. Mentre i mostri ratto irrompono, Thorn e Fone corrono nella foresta. Là sono inseguiti per lungo tempo finché sono infine circondati dai mostri ratto. I mostri dicono a Thorn e Fone che vogliono Fone. Thorn dice di no. Poi, Fone sente l'odore di drago. Lui dice ai mostri ratto che dovrebbero andarsene, perché il drago sta arrivando per salvarlo. Solo pochi minuti dopo, arriva il drago. Il drago parla con i mostri ratto, e dice loro che devono andarsene. Ci impiega un po' di tempo, ma il drago spaventa i mostri. Thorn dice al drago che è necessario andare a casa di sua nonna ad assicurarsi che sia al sicuro, ma quando arrivano vedono che la casa sta andando a fuoco.


The 4th chapter of Bone starts with Fone and Phoney doing farm chores. Phoney doesn't like the work and wants to quit. Thorn's grandmother is giving them food and shelter in exchange for the work, though, so he says he'll stay for the food. Fone goes to find Thorn and runs into the grandmother. She tells him the she has a bad feeling and that Fone should keep an eye on Phoney. Fone goes to the barn to speak with Phoney and they talk about the activities happening in the town that weekend. Phoney learns that people will be placing bets on a race, and wants to go make some money. Fone thinks they will find Smiley there. Fone leaves to go help Thorn with some chores. While he's gone, Phoney takes Fone's backpack and boots, and heads into town early. On his way out, he runs into the sleeping rat monsters. He hears someone coming and hides behind a tree stump. The rat monsters are awoken by another monster named Kingdok. He takes them to a meeting that was called on by "the hooded one." At the meeting, "the hooded one" tells the two rat monsters that "he who bears the star" was spotted in their territory. The rat monsters explain that it was Fone, but he bears no star. They tell "the hooded one" where Fone is living, and they plan an attack that night. The chapter ends as the monsters are making their way to grandmothers house, and Thorn is woken from a nightmare about them.

Il capitolo 4 di Bone inizia con Fone e Phoney che fanno lavori di campagna. A Phoney non piace il lavoro e vuole mollare. La nonna di Thorn dà loro cibo e riparo in cambio del lavoro, quindi lui dice che resterà per il cibo. Fone va a trovare Thorn, e si imbatte in sua nonna. Lei dice che ha una sensazione negativa e che Fone deve tenere d'occhio Phoney. Fone va a parlare con Phoney e parlano di ciò che sta avvenendo in città. Phoney ha saputo che le persone scommetteranno sulla corsa, e vuole andare a far soldi. Fone pensa che troveranno Smiley là. Fone parte per aiutare Thorn con altre faccende. Mentre lui è fuori, Phoney prende lo zaino e gli stivali di Fone, e va verso la città. Durante il cammino, incontra dei mostri ratto addormentati. Sente qualcuno arrivare e si nasconde dietro un ceppo d'albero. I mostri ratto sono svegliati da un altro mostro che si chiama Kingdok. Lui li raduna in un incontro organizzato dall' "incappucciato". All'incontro, l'"incappucciato" dice loro che "colui che porta la stella" è stato visto sul loro territorio. I mostri ratto spiegano che era Fone ma lui non porta una stella. Loro dicono all' "incappucciato" dove abita Fone, e pianificano un attacco quella notte. Il capitolo finisce quando i mostri stanno arrivando alla casa della nonna di Thorn, e Thorn si sveglia da un incubo sui mostri.


Chapter 3 of Bone starts with Fone and Thorn at Thorn's grandmothers house. Fone has just woken up and Thorn is making him breakfast. Thorn's grandmother has gone out of town cow racing. She loves her cows. Thorn wants to clean up the house before her grandmother gets home, so Fone helps her by trying to chop the fire wood. He's not very good at it. Thorn finds Fone's backpack and asks where she should put it. Fone had forgotten about it, and decided to go through it. He has a few comics and books, but also the map from the desert. Thorn had never seen a book before, so she was amazed. She also feels like she's seen the map in a dream before. Then, the chapter switched to Fone's cousin, Phoney Bone. He's making his way through the forest, tired and hungry, when he finds Ted the bug. Ted tells him he knows Fone, and that he can take Phoney to Thorn's grandmothers house. Phoney meets Thorn's grandmother and offends her by saying her cows are stupid. Eventually, they make it to the house and Phoney and Fone finally reunite. Phoney wants to leave, but Fone thinks that Thorn and her grandmother can help them. He talks Phoney into staying.

Il capitolo 3 di Bone inizia con Fone e Thorn a casa della nonna di Thorn. Fone si è svegliato e Thorn gli fa colazione. Sua nonna è andata fuori città per la corsa delle mucche. Lei ama le sue mucche. Thorn vuole pulire la casa prima che arrivi sua nonna, quindi Fone la aiuta cercando di spaccare la legna. Lui non è molto bravo. Thorn trova lo zaino di Fone, e gli chiede dove dovrebbe metterlo. Fone l'aveva dimenticato e decide di aprirlo. Ha un po' di fumetti e libri, ma anche la mappa del deserto. Thorn non ha mai visto un libro, ed è stupita. Lei si sente come se avesse già visto la mappa prima in un sogno. Poi, il capitolo cambia e incontriamo il cugino di Fone che si chiama Phoney. Lui sta camminando attraverso la foresta. Lui è stanco e ha fame ma trova Ted l'insetto. Ted dice che lui conosce Fone, e che può portare Phoney a casa della nonna di Thorn. Phoney incontra la nonna e la offende dicendole che le sue mucche sono stupide. Alla fine, raggiungono la casa e Phoney e Fone finalmente si riuniscono. Phoney vuole partire, ma Fone pensa che Thorn e sua nonna possono aiutarlo. Lui convince Phoney a rimanere.

mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016


Duchenne muscular dystrophy

This disorder is inherited and starts from the legs and then it affects other parts of the body. Symptoms appear mainly in boys from 1 to 6 years old. There are many complications, expecially bone ones, cardiomyopathy, respiratory disorders, muscle ones, so they often have to use a wheelchair. There isn’t a cure for this disease. 

Cerebral Palsy

It is a group of chronic disorders of nerves that control muscles. The cerebral palsy appears in the first years of life and is caused by incorrect development or a damage in the brain.
Symptoms are:

  • difficulty walking;
  • difficulty with fine motor tasks;
  • involuntary movements, that’s why the muscles are often rigid.
There isn’t a cure for this type of disease. 

Mental retardation

People affected by mental retardation have got problems with learning ability, adaptive behaviour, their language and their relationships with others. This condition manifests itself before the age of 18 and the causes are prenatal, perinatal or postnatal, but sometimes they are unknown. The types of mental retardation are classified in this way:

  • intermittent;
  • limited;
  • extensive;
  • pervasive.
There isn’t a cure for mental retardation, but there are a lot of therapies.


It’s a brain disorder, and it appears when the brain sends abnormal signals. There are many causes of epilepsy - like genetic conditions, tumors, brain trauma - but it is not always possible to identify the real motivation. This disease isn’t contagious and it doesn’t cause mental retardation. There are two types of seizures: generalised and partial.
There are three types of treatment methods for this disorder: medical, surgical, dietary.

AUTISM - Michela 5°E

Autism is a life-long developmental disability; people with autism have severe problems of reasoning, social relationships, communication and behaviour.
It's four time more prevalent in boys than girls and genetic factors may sometimes be involved.
Autistic children and adults have difficulty using verbal and non-verbal language and relating to people because some of them may be very aggressive.
There is no specific cure for autism but it is treatable with games and activities with specially trained teachers. There are many therapies such as speech therapy or sensorial integration.
When I was younger, I met a boy affected by this disorder. When he was near me  I was terrified, I was afraid of being hit by him; he could steal my neck or my book or my pen!
He was always alone or with his teacher and when she spoke he didn't look into her eyes.
Now I understand why and I'm very sad for this person.

martedì 23 febbraio 2016

GRAMMAR REVISION - Present Simple - Affirmative Form

Dear students,
you can find "Present Simple  - affirmative form" and some exercises to revise it.

Best regards
Jade Bell

lunedì 22 febbraio 2016


Down’s Syndrome is a genetic disorder due to the presence of an extra chromosome 21 in every cell. The cause of Down’s Syndrome is still unknown, but we know that there are three types of chromosome abnormalities: trisomy 21, traslocation and mosaicism. Some physical features of a person with Down’s Syndrome are: almond eyes, decreased muscle tone, small ears, mouth, hands and feet. The physical features don’t cause any severe disability.
Children with Down’s Syndrome have a slower physical, mental and motor development than other children and show mental retardation. Language development is also delayed. Some health problems of people with Down’s Syndrome are: congenital heart disease, hearing and eye problems, obesity, thyroid dysfunctions, skeletal and immunologic problems and skin disorders.
There is no cure for Down’s Syndrome at the moment, but there are intervention programmes and education strategies in nursery schools and in primary and secondary schools that help the child’s cognitive and social development. Good job training helps young people with Down’s Syndrome to find employment so they can participate in community life.
The causes of the improper cell division resulting in Down’s Syndrome may be hormonal abnormalities, x-rays, viral infections, immunologic problems, advanced maternal age or genetic predisposition.


What is it? 
It's a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21.

What is the cause of Down's Syndrome? 
It's cause is still unknown.

How many types of chromosome abnormalities are there in Down's Syndrome? 
There are 3 main types of chromosome abnormalities: trisomy 21, translocation and mosaicism.

Is there a cure for Down'Syndrome? 
At the present time there is no cure for Down's  Syndrome but there are intervention programmes and educational strategies available at the nursery, primary and secondary school.

lunedì 15 febbraio 2016


Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21. There are three types of chromosome abnormalities: trisomy 21, translocation and mosaicism. Some physical features are: slanting of the eyelids, decreased muscle tone, loose ligaments, small mouth, small hands and feet. The physical features usually do not cause any severe disability. Most children’s mental retardation is not particularly serious. They develop slowlier than other children. It’s probable that children with Down’s syndrome have heart disease, obesity and other diseases. Nowadays there are many intervention programmes to improve their development. People with Down’s syndrome have pre-vocational training to learn how to work.


There are 4 disorders:

EPILEPSY - It is a brain disease in which neurons send abnormal signals. This causes strange sensations and emotions. To face this disorder there are three types of treatments.

CEREBRAL PALSY - It is a group of chronic disorders which affect the nerves that control the body’s muscles.

MENTAL RETARDATION - It is characterised by subaverage intellectual functioning with limitations in adaptive behaviour. This condition manifests itself before the age of 18.

DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY - It is an inherited disorder. It is characterised by rapidly progressive muscle weakness. This disorder usually appears in males 1 to 6 years old

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016


It is a genetic disorder that affects the nerves that control the body’s muscles. 
Symptoms are: difficulty maintaining balance or walking, involuntary movements and difficulty with fine motor tasks such as writing.
There are four types of cerebral palsy: spastic, ataxic, athetoid and mixed. The most common is spastic.
There is no cure for this disorder.

It is a disorder that affects the brain, neurons in particular.
The main causes of epilepsy are: developmental or genetic conditions, metabolic abnormalities, brain trauma and infections, degenerative disorders, disorders of the blood vessels and infections.
There are two types of seizures: generalised and partial.
Modern medical treatment methods are:
  • Medical treatment 
  • Surgical treatment 
  • Dietary treatment
The causes for mental retardation are: prenatal causes, perinatal causes and postnatal causes. In many cases the cause is unknown.
Some symptoms of this disorder are: poor intellectual development, infantile behaviour, lack of curiosity, poor learning ability and difficulty at school.
The types of support can be classified as:
  • Intermittent
  • Limited
  • Extensive
  • Pervasive
There is no cure for mental retardation.


It is an inherited disorder characterized by rapidly progressive muscle weakness. Symptoms appear in males 1 to 6 years old. Most patients have to use a wheelchair.
Complications include cardiomyophaty and respiratory disorders.
There is no cure for this disorder.


This unit (10) talks about four young people affected by different disorders: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation and Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Christine is affected by cerebral palsy: it is a group of chronic disorders which affect the nerves that regulate and control the body's muscles. These disorders appear in the first few years of life.
Norman is affected by epilepsy. It is a brain disorder in which groups of nerve cells in the brain sometimes send abnormal signals causing strange sensations, behaviour and loss of consciousness. There are two main types of seizures: generalised and partial.
Vanessa is affected by mental retardation. This disorder is characterised by significantly subaverage intellectual functioning associated with limitations in adaptive behaviour. The causes can be prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal.
Finally, Edward is affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy which is an inherited disorder characterised by rapidly progressive muscle weakness. It starts from the legs and then it affects other parts of the body. The disorder usually appears in males 1 to 6 years old.
I think that it is very hard to live with these types of disorders and I hope that one day someone will find a cure for everyone!

domenica 7 febbraio 2016


The second chapter of Bone is focused on Fone trying to get through winter. It came a lot faster than he expected, and now he must wait it out. He's in the middle of fixing his shelter when he's asked by his friend, Miz 'Possum, to babysit her children. She's brought him food and blankets, so he thinks it's the least he could do. He starts playing with the baby 'possums, and at some point the babies run off. He finds them with some terrible rat monsters. Fone tells the children to run home to their mother, and they do. Now he's stuck with the rat monsters. They tell him that he would make a nice dinner, and Fone runs away. The rat monsters chase him all the way to a tree over a waterfall. But then, a dragon saves him by scaring them away. Fone runs back to tell Miz 'Possum and her family, but they don't believe him. They tell him to go wash up in a hot spring nearby. Fone goes to the hot spring and meets a girl there. Her name is Thorn, and Fone thinks she can help him find his cousins and make it back to Boneville. She says that she will try to help him, and they set off.

Il secondo capitolo di Bone è incentrato su Fone che cerca di attraversare l'inverno. È arrivato più veloce di quanto pensasse, e ora lui deve aspettare che finisca. Lui sta sistemando il suo rifugio quando gli viene chiesto dalla sua amica, Miz 'Possum di badare ai suoi bambini. Lei gli ha procurato cibo e coperte quindi lui pensa che questo sia il minimo che possa fare. Inizia a giocare con i cuccioli di opossum e, ad un certo punto, i bambini fuggono. Lui li trova con alcuni terribili mostri ratto. Fone dice ai bambini di correre a casa dalla loro madre, e loro ci vanno. Adesso lui è bloccato con i mostri ratto. Loro gli dicono che sarebbe una buona cena e Fone fugge via. I mostri ratto lo inseguono per tutta la strada fino ad un albero al di là di una cascata. Ma poi, un drago lo salva facendoli fuggire dalla paura. Fone corre a dirlo a Miz' Possum e alla sua famiglia, ma loro non gli credono. Gli dicono di andare a lavarsi in una sorgente calda lì vicino. Fone va alla sorgente calda e incontra una ragazza. Lei si chiama Thorn, e Fone pensa che lei possa aiutarlo a trovare i suoi cugini e a farlo tornare a Boneville. Lei dice che cercherà di aiutarlo, e partono insieme.


The first chapter of Bone is focused on three cousins: Phoney Bone, Fone Bone, and Smiley Bone. Phoney Bone was once the richest man in Boneville, but he and his cousins have been chased out of the town by the townspeople. The cousins have fled to a desert outside of Boneville. They have been here for two weeks, and now know that it is uncharted and cannot be found on a map. So, they're lost in the middle of a desert. While looking at the map, the cousins hear a noise that sounds like the angry townspeople. No, it was locusts! They all run trying to escape the locusts, but get separated in the process. Fone wandered alone into a forest. The rest of the chapter is focused on Fone trying to find his cousins. He runs into a few monsters along the way and gets himself into some pretty dangerous situations. Eventually, he meets a bug named Ted who warns him that winter is coming soon and Fone needs to find his cousins as fast as possible. Ted mentions that someone named Thorn could help him. Fone decided that he needs to get out of here and find his cousins before winter comes.

Il primo capitolo di Bone è incentrato su tre cugini che si chiamano Phoney Bone, Fone Bone, e Smiley Bone. Phoney è stato un tempo l'uomo più ricco a Boneville, ma lui e i suoi cugini sono stati cacciati fuori dalla città dagli abitanti. I cugini sono fuggiti in un deserto fuori da Boneville. Loro sono qui da due settimane, e ora sanno che è inesplorato e non può essere trovato sulla mappa. Quindi sono bloccati in mezzo al nulla. Mentre guardano la mappa, i cugini sentono un rumore che a loro pare siano gli abitanti arrabbiati di Boneville. No, sono le locuste. Tutti loro corrono cercando di scappare dalle locuste ma vengono separati. Fone vaga nella foresta da solo. Adesso il capitolo è incentrato su Fone che cerca di trovare i suoi cugini. Lui ha incontrato dei mostri lungo il tragitto e si caccia in situazioni piuttosto pericolose. Alla fine incontra un insetto che si chiama Ted che lo avverte che l'inverno arriverà presto e Fone deve trovare i suoi cugini il più presto possibile. Ted dice che un certo "Thorn" potrebbe aiutarlo. Fone decide che lui deve uscire da qui e trovare i suoi cugini prima che l'inverno arrivi.