martedì 24 maggio 2016


Eating disorders are psychological disorders that involve disturbances in eating behaviour.

Two psychiatric eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. There is no one cause of eating disorders but they are linked to a combination of factors, such as family relationships and psychological problems. These diseases affect a lot of teenagers. Symptoms of eating disorders may include a distorted body image, extreme weight change and high interest in exercise.

Bulimics binge on great quantities of high-caloric food and they self induce vomiting or they use laxatives. A combination of treatments, including cognitive behavioural therapy and anti-depressant medication may help teens overcome bulimia.

A teenager affected by anorexia suffers from low self-esteem, irrationally believing she is fat. Anorexics starve themselves. Anorexia treatment usually involves nutritional feeding, medical monitoring and psychological therapy.

Eating disorders can lead to serious illness and even death.

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